Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Funeral Video As Crowds Fight and Break Into Cemetery

Rabbi Chaim Kanievskys funeral video showed an uncontrollable crowd. They even fall into a fight. The Israeli Haredi rabbi and posek who was considered a leading authority in Haredi Jewish society passed away on 18th March 2022. He moved to Palestine when he was six years old.

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s funeral video showed an uncontrollable crowd. They even fall into a fight.

The Israeli Haredi rabbi and posek who was considered a leading authority in Haredi Jewish society passed away on 18th March 2022. He moved to Palestine when he was six years old.

A ceremony or service held shortly after a person’s death is usually accompanied by relatives and close friends, but his funeral gathered an uncontrollable crowd which is said to be almost 600K people.

Watch Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Funeral Video – Crowds Fight and Break Into Cemetery

You can watch Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s funeral video here. He was 94 years old at the time of his passing. As many people gathered for his funeral, people flooded social media with condolences as well.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, called him a “true public leader” who lived modestly but led tens of thousands “wisdom, reason and a rare level of knowledge.” His funeral was held on Sunday, 20 March 2022.

Half a million came down the streets of a religious suburb of Tel Aviv into a surging sea of black. Polices formed a phalanx around the van carrying the sage’s body as the vehicle crept towards Bnei Brak’s cemetery.

The heavy guard was assigned to the cemetery to avoid the fight among the crowd that broke into the cemetery. May his soul be guided to heaven where he rests forever.

Know Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Death Cause

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s death was announced by Agudath Israel of America, the umbrella organization of ultra-Orthodox groups. However, so far, the authorities have not mentioned the cause of his death. But he was said to collapse in his home.

His death has come as a shock to everyone and the crowd turned out at his funeral already showed what kind of impact he had over the pupil of the country. His family and relatives might be devasted.

More On Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Moshiach – Wikipedia

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, the Moshiach was born on January 8, 1928, in Pinsk, Poland but, his family moved to Mandatory Palestine at an early age. He was born to Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky and Rebbetzin Miriam Karelitz.

He was married to Batsheva Elyashiv, a daughter of Rabbi Yosef Sholom Eliashiv. She died in 2011. The same year, he founded a non-profitable organization dedicated to assisting sick and disabled children and adults.

Chaim became a major authority on all matters of Jewish law, authoring several books about Jewish legal writings. He used to study Torah 17 hours each day. He was featured on the Wikipedia page.

